Barcodescanner wireless Zebra LI4278 connecting to Android

Barcodescanner wireless Zebra LI4278 connecting to Android

Step 1: Activate Bluetooth-mode on scanner.

Step 2: Connecting to a Android-tablet/-phone

Go to settings and turn bluetooth ON


Step 3: Click on searching for devices.

Select from the list the device starting with LI4278.

Step 4: Your Android device wil issue a pincode. 
You can use the numbers below to enter the pincode.
When pairing is succesfull you will hear 2 short beeps.


Step 6:  Set a extra ENTER.

     Begin new rule


     Send all that remains

    Send key: ENTER


    Save rule

The barcode below can be scanned when you want to disconnect from your Android device and reconnect to the charging cradle.

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