Chapter 1. Cash register login
1.1 Double click the cash register icon on the desktop.
1.2 The login page of the cash register appears.
Fill the username and password.
Click button Inloggen.
1.3 Press the F11- button to maximize the screen.
Chapter 2. Cashier login
When the cash register is done loading a screen with numbers appears. Every cashier has a unique pincode. The storemanager can make and edit them. Before every transaction the pincode has to be entered.
Chapter 3. Cash Register menu
This is the main screen containing the essentials for the receipt. Here the articles are scanned and optionally edited. The buttons can be altered per cashier.
Section A
Searchbar. Activate the searchbar to enter a barcode manually by keypad or by scanning a barcode. When entered manually, click the lense icon or press Enter to start the search.
This searchbar can also be used to search for customers. Search for customer number or emailaddress.
Watch out! When searching for emailaddress, you have to typ it 100% correct, and then the client gets activated on the transaction.
12.18 PM Click the time and the date wil also appear.
Dimitri The cashier who is currently logged in.
When selecting the name a new pincode screen appears. A different cashier can log in now.
Section B
Prijs: After scanning an article, the price can be altered by pressing Prijs.
Aantal: After scanning an article, the number of articles can be altered by pressing Aantal. This button can also be used to delete an article from the receipt.
Retour: Press the button Retour to return an article. Than scan the article. The article gets the amount -1. When the button Retour has been used, the word Retour becomes bold and red.
Korting €: You can reduce the price in euro's with this button.
Korting %: You can reduce the price in % with this button.
Nieuw: Drop the receipt, start a new one or put a receipt in buffer to finish it later.
Korting 4 voor 3: 4 articles for the price of 3 articles. Applies to the last 4 scanned articles. The cheapest article is free but the amount wil not be € 0,00. The discount will be divided evenly over the 4 articles.
Korting 3 voor 2: 3 articles for the price of 2 articles. Applies to the last 3 scanned articles. The cheapest article is free but the amount wil not be € 0,00. The discount will be divided evenly over the 3 articles.
Korting 2 voor 1: 2 articles for the price of 1 article. Applies to the last 2 scanned articles. The cheapest article is free but the amount wil not be € 0,00. The discount will be divided evenly over the 2 articles.
Setprijs: By pressing Prijs more articles can be selected (turning blue) (deze worden dan blauw) and will be charged for 1 price.
Bufferfunction: The receipts can the temporary stored by pressing Nieuw .
Log in again to help the next customer. To extract a receipt from the buffer, log in and go to menu item MEER - Buffer.
Here are all the stalled transactions. Click the desired transaction. This one can be finished/closed now.
All "buffer-transactions" in the buffer will be deleted at night.
Section C.
- Keypad. To enter a barcode, pincode, amount, prices or percentages.
Section D. (tabs)
- Kassa See Chapter 2.
- Artikel Searching for articles. See Chapter 4.
- Klant Searching or adding (for) customers.
- Meer See Chapter 6.
- Betalen See Chapter 7.
Chapter 4. Article menu
Searching and finding articles.
Search fields.
Search for barcode, with barcodescanner as well as entering manually. The search task can also include article code, description, brand, article group, size, main color, subcolor, suppliers article code, supplier color and price. The button "kolommen" allows to adjust this.
The more data is entered, the smaller the search results will be (but more accurate).
Found the article? Select it (it turns blue) to add it to the receipt. With the button Info extra details about the article appear.
Description: stone
Group: trui
Size: S
subcolor: blauw
After selecting the article the extra info can be requested.
By using the button Winkels (=stores) the permissions for the different stores/ warehouses for showing stock can be set. In blue the stock per store is being shown.
The button Sluiten (=close) takes you back to the POS screen.
If articles have a set in their articles it shows up here too. The button allows to swop between the se articles to see if there is stock.
Chapter 5. Customer menu
In the customer screen can be searched in different ways.
Colums can be added or removed from view by using the button Kolommen in the top right corner.
In the example we searched for the customer "Nieuwe klant"
Bij selecting the desired customer, the customer is selected for the current receipt. The scanned articles are now linked to the chosen customer.
New customer numbers can be created backoffice.
Request forms for customer cards can also be printed backoffice.
Such a request form is a form where the customer can put his/hers name and address details. The cashier can scan the barcode on the form and register a sale on the new customer immediately.
The new customer is added to the POS menu.
Using the info-button gives extra information about the customer. The name and address details can be modified or added. De previous sales and customer points or coupons can also be viewed here.
To get the customer info without selecting the POS screen, is also possible. Select the information button directly from the customer screen.
Bij selecting the green V the address of the customer can be added.
By selecting Contacten on the line with the green V the email address and phone numbers can be added.
In menu Verkopen (= sale) are the articles viewed which the customer bought.
In menu Kadobonnen are the gift certificates viewed for this customer, as well as cash back receipts and coupons.
At Status shown is if the receipts are handed in or still exchangable. If the receipt is still exchangeable, clicking on it will open the receipt as a payment option.
In menu Bonnen are all the receipts of the selected customer.
Chapter 6. Meer-menu
Menu Meer is devided in 4 categories with each it's own properties
These properties are editable per cashier.
- Dashboard
- Dagomzet: Daily turnover
- Herhaal bon: Repeat receipt
- Selecteer bon: Select receipt
- Kasopname: cash withdrawel
- Kasstorten: cash deposit
- Transit order from
- Transit order to
End of day
- Calculate turnover
- Log off
- Instellingen: Settings
- Betaalopties: Payment options
- Kortingsregels: Discount rules
- Toegangsrechten: Permissions
- Tweede scherm CMS: Second screen POS
- About Softwear
6.1a Dashboard
The dashboard views the actual data of the day, concerning the POS. This is being shown:
Amount receipts, article amount, revenue, time and date, sales per brand, sales per article group.
6.1b Dagomzet: Daily turnover
In the screen dagomzet the actual daily turnover is being shown.
Also the amount of sold and received gift certificates. (kadobonnen)
Plus the cast deposits minus the cash withdrawels (kasopname)
Plus the total value of articles who are "on consignment" (op zicht)
6.1c Herhaal bon: repeat receipt
The last registered receipt can be printed again.
6.1d Selecteer bon: select receipt
- Type shows the receipt number of sales, transits or consignment.
- Winkel shows the name of a selected store or all stores.
- Date pick the date you are looking for, it always starts with the current day.
- Nummer enables searching for receipts. The receipt number is devided in 3 parts: storenumber - device number - receipt number.
- Bedrag. (=amount) Search for amount.
6.1e Kasopname: cash withdrawal
A cash withdrawel means money is taken from the cash drawer.
The amount and the reason for the withdrawel should be entered.
Confirm with OK and a receipt with the withdrawel amount will be printed.
6.1f Kasstorten: cash deposit
In case of a cash deposit money has to be put into the cash drawer.
The amount and the reason for the deposit should be entered.
Confirm with OK and a receipt with the deposit amount will be printed.
6.1g Open kassalade: open cash drawer
Sometimes the cash drawer just has to be opened, to get a key or a receipt. Also possible to give in a reason.
Press OK to print a receipt and open the drawerBevestig met OK waarna een kassabon met de open kassalade wordt geprint.
6.2a Transitorder vanuit: transit from
Articles can be moved from stock from one store/ warehouse to stock from this store/ warehouse. The system asks from which store/ warehouse the stock can be moved.
- Zoek. (=search) Scan the barcode while the cursor is in this field.
- Artikel. (=article) Search manually for an article. (see Chapter4 Artikelmenu)
- Aantal. (=amount) After scanning an article , the amount can be changed here. This button can also be used to change the amount to 0 (null).
- Annuleer. (=cancel) Use this button to cancel a transit. After cancellation the POS screen appears.
- Printen.(=print) After scanning the article(s) the transits can be printed and confirmed.
- Remark. Textfield for putting extra information on the transit receipt.
tip: Select a scanned articleline on the pos to adjust the quantity!
6.2b Transitorder naar: transit to
By using Transitorder naar stock from this store / warehouse can be send to a different store / warehouse.
The system asks to which store/ warehouse the stock can be moved.
- Zoek. (=search) Scan the barcode while the cursor is in this field.
- Artikel. (=article) Search manually for an article. (see Chapter4 Artikelmenu)
- Aantal. (=amount) After scanning an article , the amount can be changed here. This button can also be used to change the amount to 0 (null).
- Annuleer. (=cancel) Use this button to cancel a transit. After cancellation the POS screen appears.
- Printen.(=print) After scanning the article(s) the transits can be printed and confirmed.
- Remark. Textfield for putting extra information on the transit receipt.
tip: Select a scanned articleline on the pos to adjust the quantity!
6.3a Kasopmaak / End of day
- At the end of the day, the totals of the day can be created. (kasopmaak) On top are listed the store, the revenue and the amount of articles "on approval". Below is the calculator. This can be used to count the money in the cash register drawer. This should be the same amount as number 1 and 3 together (see screenshot below).
- Check the pin-/creditcard data with the amounts which are registered in Softwear. Change the data within Softwear if there are differences.
- Count the money which stays in the cash drawer for the next day or shift and submit that amount at Eindsaldo.
- Count the money which will be put in the bank and submit that amount at Afstorten.
- The difference in totals are automatically viewed at Kasverschil. It is wise to walk through the previous steps again to verify the amounts.
- Press Verzenden to concluse the totals of the day. The end of day journal will be printed.
- When errors accur, the totals can also be entered backoffice.
- After clicking Verzenden, the POS logs off and the website www.softwear.nl appears. With keyboard button F11 the screen can be minimalized. The browser can be closed by selecting the cross in the upper right corner of the screen. . Nu kan links onderin op Start worden geklikt om de computer af te sluiten.
0. Rekenmachine: here , you can count all the cash in the cash drawer.
- Beginsaldo: the ending balance (see number 19) from te previous day. This is the amount of money in the cash drawer.
- Kasopname/-storten: the cash deposits minus the cashwithdrawels.
- Contant: received cash.
- Wisselgeld: the amount that is taken to change from the cash drawer
- Totaal contant: received cash minus change . Cash deposits/withdrawels have already been settled with the cash amount.
- Creditcard: received amount of credit card payments.
- PIN: received amount of debit card-payments.
- Totaal elektronisch: total amount from credit and debit cards.
- Op rekening: payments being done on account .
- Kadobon in: received gift certificates.
- Kadobon uit: issued gift cards.
- Tegoedbon: vouchers issued (return products)
- Totaal diverse: total ammount of op rekening (on account) and Cadeaubon in (received gift cards) minus Cadeaubon uit (given giftcards) en Tegoedbon(returned items).
- Kasverschil: the amount too litle or too much in the cash drawer .
- Afstorten: the amount that has been taken out of the cash drawer, for example, the bank .
- The cash amount that has been added up by the calculator. If the calculator hasn't been used , then the amount field is €0.00.
- The cash amount that should be in the cash drawer. Punt 1 beginsaldo + punt 5 totaal contant.
- Kasverschil: the difference being calculated at Punt 17 and counted on calculator at Punt 16.
- Eindsaldo: the amount of cash that remains in the cash drawer to start with the next day as a beginning balance.
6.3b Uitloggen
Use this to log out off the system.
Be ware! when you only log out, there is no registration of the ending of the day / kasopmaak .
The website www.softwear.nl appears.
6.4a Instellingen/Settings
- Running Specialist: If this option is enabled, an additional option with analysis in the customerscreen will appear.
- Verplicht: It is required to select a customer at a sale. If there is no customer selected the sale can not be closed.
- Cashback percentage: A percentage given from the total amount of the total purchase, on the next purchase. The discount is printed at the bottom of the receipt. Example : Customer acquisition is €100.- and cashback stands at 5%, then on the next purchase €5.- discount is given.
After installing this you will have to login again. After each receipt the cash register will print an aditional ticket equipped with a barcode discount, which can be handed at the next visit. - E-mail lay-out: ( NOTE: Only to be changed by a Softwear employee) Here is a link to the layout description of the email.
- E-mail sender: ( NOTE: Only to be changed by a Softwear employee) Emailaddress of the sender
- E-mail subject: The subject of the email.
- E-mail body: An accompanying text enclosed in the mail with the receipt.
- Afronden op 5ct: Cash payments automatically rounds up/levels down at 5ct .
- Foto locatie: This is the location of the atmosphere and/or article photos, when a shop is linked to Softwear. When an item is scanned the related or a random picture will appear.
- Thumbnail locatie: This is where you can put the location of the article thumbnails. When an item is scanned the corresponding picture will appear.
- Payplaza ID: settings for the pin connection to the cash desk. ( NOTE: only to be changed by a Softwear employee)
- Queue ID: settings for controling the receiptprinter. ( NOTE: only to be changed by a Softwear employee)
- Layout kassabon: The location of the receipt layout. ( NOTE: only to be changed by a Softwear employee)
- Layout tegoedbon: The location of the voucherlay-out. ( NOTE: only to be changed by a Softwear employee)
- Layout transitorder: The location of the receipt transitorderlay-out. ( NOTE: only to be changed by a Softwear employee)
- Kassabon afsnijden: Option to cut off the receipt by printer.
- Kassalade openen: . With a thermal printer it is possible to connect with a connected cash drawer. The drawer can be opened automatically in case of a cash receipt.
- Dubbele kassabon: Prints every receipt twice.
- Extra artikelinfo: Standard, the code of the article is printed on the receipt. When enabled, the description, barcode and size is also printed.
- Tekst onder bon: Free text printed at the bottom of the receipt.
- Bon ID: Must be filled in if the receipt has to be shown on the customer display. ( NOTE: only to be changed by a Softwear employee)
- Dameskleding: "On", when general pictures of women fashion have to be shown on the customer display.
- Herenkleding: "On", when general pictures of men fashion have to be shown on the customer display.
- Kinderkleding: "On" when general pictures of children fashion have to be shown on the customer display.
- Schoenen: "On" when general pictures of shoes have to be shown on the customer display.
- Sport: "On" when general pictures of sport and fashion have to be shown on the customer display.
- Lingerie: "On" when general pictures of lingerie have to be shown on the customer display..
- Eigen content. "On" when general pictures of your own choosing have to be shown on the customer display.
- Screen ratio: The sceen ratio of the customer display where the pictures are shown.
6.4b Betaalopties/Payment options
NOTE only to be changed by a Softwear employee.
- Kontant: Cash payment in the cash menu.
- Op zicht: Consignment in the cash menu.
- Creditcard: Creditcard payment in the cash menu.
- Tegoedbon: Voucher issues in the cash menu.
- Pin: Debitcard payment in the cash menu.
- Op rekening: on account payment in the cash menu.
A. Actief: (=operational) The function is on or off in the payment menu .
B. Negatieven toestaan: (=accept negative amounts) amount can be put in the negative (returngoods).
C. Positieven toestaan: (=accept positive amounts) amount can be put in positive.
D. Reden: (=reason) at payment, there has to be given a reason.
E. Electronic: "On" in case of a pin connection.
F. Klant: (=customer) Required to choose a customer.
G. Artikel: (=article) Required to choose an article.
6.4c Kortingsregels/Discount rules
Predefined discount rules can be created. Enter the name of the discount rule, period, store brands, product groups and/or articles to which the discount must apply to.
It is possible to make 4 kinds of discount types.
- All active rules will appear here.
- An active line is editable by clicking on it.
- An active line can be deleted by clicking on the cross.
- Cilick on the "nieuw" button to create a new line.
Nieuwe kortingsregel/ New discount rule
- Actief: (=operational): Set the rule on or off.
- Naam: (=name): To specify the name for this rule
- Datum van tot en met (=date from to): From when till when applies this rules
- Shops (=shops): For which branches applies this rule
- Brands (=brands): For which brand applies this rule
- Artikelgroep (=articlegroup): For which article group applies this rule
- Artikelen (=articles): For which articles applies this rule
- Type (=type): Indicate the type of line and enter the X and Y values
X halen Y betalen (= get X pay Y) = (6 , 5) - get 6 pay 5
Per X stuks Y € betalen (= by X units pay Y) = (2 , 10) - 2 units for €10
Per X stuks Y %korting (= by X units Y % discount) (2 , 5) - 2 units for 10% discount
Vanaf X stuks Y% korting (= from X units Y % discount) (5 , 10) - From 5 units 10% discount.
6.4d Toegangsrechten/Acces rights
This can be activated by buttons and menu cashier or deactivated. At point 1. the cashier can be selected. For more information about the discount types: page about discounts.
6.4e 2e scherm CMS (klantendisplay)/Second screen CMS (customer display)
You can upload pictures to My playlist and customize. This pictures will appear on the customer display. The size that will be maintained is the ratio indicated under Settings. The standard ratio is 4:3. That means that the costumer display has a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels. The photos in portrait format (vertical) have a resolution of 512 x 768 pixels.
WATCH OUT! This is the resolution of a Softwear-customer display. If there is used an other customer display, the ratio and resolution can be different.
- Adjusting the selection of the playlist.
- Upload a photo from the local computer to Softwear.
- A thumbnail of the image is viewed and the option to add text.
- An example of a complete image is viewed.
- Choose landscape or portrait.
- Adjusting the image (cropping).
There is no SAVE button.
By moving on to the next screen, the image will be saved.
6.4f Over Softwear/About Softwear
Additional info is viewed, like version, the store, amount of customers. The last changes within the latest version and changes to come are also viewed here.
Chapter 7. Betaalmenu/Payment menu
Section A.
- Contant: cash payment. Accepting a partly payment is possible by editing the amount and choosing OK. Choose a different payment option for the remaining amount.
- PIN: pin payment. Accepting a partly payment is possible by editing the amount and choosing OK. Choose a different payment option for the remaining amount.
- Creditcard: creditcard payment. Accepting a partly payment is possible by editing the amount and choosing OK. Choose a different payment option for the remaining amount.
- Tegoedbon: the amount of returning items can be turned in gift certificates. The printer will print 2 receipts: a normal one and the gift certificate. This shows a barcode and the amount it's worth. Accept the gift certificate by scanning the barcode.
- Op Rekening: With an op-rekening-betaling it's required to select a customer. Outstanding accounts can be viewed by selecting a customer. The customer appears left at the bottom with the word Saldo. Clicking on Saldo retrieves the question "Hoeveel wordt er betaald?"/"How much is being payed"?
- Op Zicht: articles on consignment
- Korting €: discount in euro`s.
- Korting %: discount in %.
- Email: emailing a receipt and not printing the receipt. After selkecting the customer, the emailaddress is shown. This can be edited. No existing customer? Fill in a new email address.
- Printen: = printing. After entering the amount and choosing OK, the print button has to be used.
Be aware! ! Before printing, the transaction can still be edited. After printing the transaction is saved.
Be aware! ! Make sure the images are smaller than 2 MB. Try savinf them as png-file.
- OK: After entering the amount you must click on OK to verify the amount.
- Opmerkingen: the ability to add additional text to this voucher. This is also printed.
- Op Rekening: (on account)
In case off payment on account, its obligated to select a customer.
The outstanding item can be accessed by selecting the customer.The customer is shown on the left bottom of the cash register, with a button beside" Saldo". Then the question is asked : Hoeveel wordt er betaald? ( How much is paid? ).
It is possible to pay the entire or a part of the outstanding item. An extra field will show up with the description "op rekening" ( on account) when the amount is entered. in the payment menu the paymet can be settled.
- Op Zicht
With op zicht , a part of the stock will be put away as a packinglist. With this action, the product is still in the house but not off the shelfstocklist. By fetching the consignment coupon at the cashregister, the coupon is put back from the packinglist and put back as a normal ticket.
So, when an item is scanned and being returned, it can be put at 0 (with which the stock remains the same.) Be ware!!! Not to be booked as "-1".
In case of a consignment payment, it is required to select a customer.
The consignment receipt can be accessed by searching the customer in the customer menu, select and choose Bonnen.
Change the Type in Alles or Op zicht, then the correct voucher can be clicked, so it can be put on the cash register screen for payment. The next thing to do can be: sale, take back ( put number on 0) or again "op zicht".
- If there is a picture of an eye next to the customer's name, it means the customer still has outstanding "consignment" orders .
Chapter 8. Cadeaubonnen
Cadeubonnen (Gift certificates) are provided with a barcode. These barcodes are being generated in the backoffice.
8a. Verkoop cadeaubon ( sale gift certificate)
Scan the barcode on the gift certificate in the tab Kassa. Change at Prijs the value of the gift certificate. Go to the tab Betalen to check out.
8b. Betalen met een cadeaubon. ( to pay with a gift certificate)
There are two options
Option 1: The gift card is scanned in the "kassa" tab
If the value of the voucher is greater than the value of the purchase, it is now possible to adjust the value of the gift certificate by using the button "prijs " (price) . The remaing balance remains on the gift card (via barcode). The voucher can be given to the customer again, but now with a lower value on it.
option 2: The voucher will be scanned into the tab "Betalen."
If the value of the gift certificate is larger than the value of the purchase, it is now possible to return the money or give a voucher in return.
== info:==
Cash register: SAAS version 6.4
key words , cash, register, POS, manual, gift card, creditcard, invoice, returns, discount, pin, scan, pay, article, receipt.