Softwear versie 6.7.2

Update versie 6.7.2

Releasedatum : 4 juli 2016


In this release we added support for changing currency and getting language settings from the user's cookies. This will make it easier when setting a language across v6 and v7. Other important fixes were made to double receipt printing, ACL, Reason Editor, and the Open Cash Drawer.

Important highlights from this release

  1. Read language from cookie shared with SW7
  2. Currency setting support
  3. REP: Report translation updates
  4. POS: Fixed bug in second receipt cutting
  5. POS: Fixed bug in loading Reason Editor view
  6. POS: Fixed bug in Open Cash Drawer view
  7. POS: Fixed bug in ACL editor
  8. POS: Email validation when emailing receipt